The Acqua dell'Elba Story: A Message from the Sea
The Story Begins
on the northern coast of Elba - an island in the Tuscan Archipelago. According to the legend, Venus lost her necklace during a sea bath and the pearls scattered in the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea. It created a beautiful string of islands with Elba as the most beautiful of its jewels.
On a Bright May Morning
near the turn of the century, three family members set sail on the clear, blue waters that surround their home. The fresh Elban breeze that day would carry them on the first leg of an amazing journey.
Destiny Brought Them
to 'isoletta di Paolina' - a little island near a beach favored by Paolina Bonaparte during her infamous brother's exile on the island. Near that island, a polished ivory statuette had been recovered in the 11th Century from the hold of a sailing ship. Its watertight lid had protected a precious perfume. This became the inspiration - a message from the sea.
The Idea They Found
was loud and clear and with it came a desire to recreate that experience with a perfume that was not just a fragrance but an essence like no other - the essence of an island. The first perfume creations that resulted, Classica and the home fragrance Mare, were introduced in 2001.
The Fragrances
pay tribute to the island's wildflowers, spices, citrus, and the scent of the sea breezes that carry these essences around the island. They are authentic, free from the superfluous, and made just for those who love simplicity, transparency, and beauty.
The Heart of Acqua dell'Elba
is in the laboratory in Marciana Marina, where Chiara, Fabio and Marco have been working since 2000 alongside master craftsmen who have given life to these unique and inimitable perfumes. It was also here that the first Acqua dell’Elba shop was born.
Fragrances Mixed by Hand
in the workshop in Marciana Marina. From the mixing of the oils and essences to the bottling and packaging, each process is carried out by passionate local artisans.
An Unquestioned Success Story
has sprung from these humble beginnings in a single shop to a thriving brand found throughout Italy alongside some of the most recognized Italian luxury brand. Acqua dell'Elba products are now sold in 27 branded shops and over 300 retailers throughout Italy and a growing list of countries around the world.